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WIRED, Bill Gates, and 5 others have Tweets for you

Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.
Vodafone is offering Twitter free of mobile internet charges until October 29, 2013 to all subscribers in India for the Android application and on the mobile browser via Try it Now


Rooftop trailer park. Yup, that's really a thing:… HT @io9

15 Aug

Strange and Gorgeous Houses Built on Rooftops

A roof is the perfect place to build a house -- you've got a view, and often you're hidden from the street. Here are pictures of some of the craziest and most astonishing rooftop homes around the world.

Bill Gates @BillGates

Big History is my favorite course ever. Today we're launching a free version for teachers:

15 Aug

ExploreBig History

Ask the big questions about our Universe, our planet, life and humanity. Explore where we are going in the future and challenge your students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to get there. It's a joint…

Twitter @twitter

15 Aug

Get "Más Social" at Premios Tu Mundo

Part of the fun of awards shows is guessing who will win each category (and bragging to your friends when you're right). At tonight's Telemundo's Premios Tu Mundo awards, you'll be the first to know top-secret results…


The future of design is invisible! Watch the video preview for WIRED's September issue:

13 Aug

WIRED: The Future of Design (September Issue Preview)

The future of design is upon us. Seamless interactions engineered between your personal tech and the world around you that reduce complexity. Artists that collaborate and cross mediums in realtime…

Katie Van Buren @KatieVanB… @priyankachopra AND I bust some hot bollywood & irish moves!! #ExoticPCPitbull Priyanka you're fab, fun!! @fusetv

15 Aug



Vishakha Singh @vishakhasingh55

A cause close to my heart, say NO 2 SKIN COLOR DISCRIMINATION dis #IndependenceDay cuz #DarkIsBeautiful too:) pls RT…

15 Aug



Billboard Dance News @BBDanceNews

#BigJump on #BillboardDance from #44 to #31 on August 24, 2013:
@priyankachopra "Exotic (feat. @Pitbull)"

15 Aug



Nikita Sharma @Nikita07s

@priyankachopra just help in spreadg #AllForUttarakhand just sms HUM nd send to 57827 help in donate RT

15 Aug



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