Shiridi Sai Baba Live Darshan

In 7 days you’ll no longer have access to your Business Profile

Sign in to stay verified.

Important reminder about Business Profile policies

In 30 days you’ll no longer have access to your Business Profile

Sign in to stay verified.

Your Google Account is being deleted

This is a copy of a security alert sent to is the recovery email for this account. If you don't recognize this account, remove it.
Your Google Account is being deleted

Your Google Account is being deleted because it hasn't been used within a 2-year period.

Learn more about the Inactive Google Account Policy.

If you want to keep this account

Your Google Account may still be recoverable. To see if you can restore access to this account, visit our account recovery page immediately.

If you don't want to keep this account

You don't need to do anything. Your Google Account will be deleted if you do not recover this account before August 9, 2025. Once your Google Account is deleted, your account and its activity and data cannot be recovered.

Learn how to download your Google data.

You can create a new Google Account at any time. Learn more

You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.

Urgent: Sign in to your Google Account if you want to keep it

This is a copy of a security alert sent to is the recovery email for this account. If you don't recognize this account, remove it.
Sign in to your Google Account

Your Google Account has not been used within a 2-year period.

If you want to keep your Google Account, sign in to your Google Account before February 9, 2025.

To protect user privacy and account data, Google will delete Google Accounts that are not used. Learn more

Learn how to download your Google data.

You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.

Nous mettons à jour nos Conditions de service

Les Conditions de service mises à jour entreront en vigueur le 1er janvier 2025.
Nous mettons à jour nos Conditions de service
Bonjour Ksk,
Nous mettons à jour nos Conditions de service. Les Conditions de service mises à jour entreront en vigueur le 1er janvier 2025.
Ce que vous devez savoir
Conditions de service
Nos Conditions de service expliquent ce que vous pouvez attendre de notre part lorsque vous utilisez les services, et ce que nous attendons de votre part en tant qu'utilisateur(ice) de nos services.
Nous avons fait en sorte que nos Conditions de service soient plus faciles à comprendre en vous fournissant davantage d'informations sur certaines politiques et pratiques existantes. Ces informations précisent notamment que les personnes ou les entreprises peuvent toujours être soumises à nos Conditions de service lorsqu'elles sont déconnectées ou qu'elle accèdent à nos produits sans compte. Nous avons également ajouté des liens qui redirigent vers nos Conditions générales relatives aux Avatars et à l'IA, qui s'appliquent si ces fonctionnalités sont disponibles dans votre région.
Ce que cela signifie pour vous
Nos Conditions ont été mises à jour pour refléter ces changements et entreront en vigueur le 1er janvier 2025. En continuant à utiliser nos produits ou les services dont vous profitez après cette date, vous acceptez les Conditions de service mises à jour.
En savoir plus sur les options dont vous disposez si vous ne voulez pas accepter les conditions mises à jour.
Merci d'utiliser nos services,
Meta Platforms
Ce message a été envoyé à sur votre demande.
Meta Platforms, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Meta Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Annual reminder about YouTube’s Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy

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This email is an annual reminder that your use of YouTube is subject to the Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and Google's Privacy Policy. While our Terms of Service remain a legal document, we've done our best to make them easy to understand.


The Community Guidelines which are a part of our Terms of Service, aim to make YouTube a safer community while still giving creators the freedom to share a broad range of experiences and perspectives. The Community Guidelines outline what type of content isn't allowed on YouTube. These policies apply to all types of content on our platform, including videos, comments, links and thumbnails. In addition to Community Guidelines, creators who want to monetise content on YouTube must comply with Monetization Policies.


By way of due diligence as an intermediary we also take this opportunity to remind our users to comply with the Indian Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (as amended) ("Intermediary Rules").


YouTube is also again informing you under Rule 5 of the Intermediary Rules that if you are a publisher of news or current affairs content, you are required to furnish the details of your accounts on YouTube to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting ("MIB") in compliance with Rules 18 of the Intermediary Rules and public notice dated 26 May 2021 published by MIB.


Please adhere to these terms to maintain continued use of and access to YouTube. Violation of these terms and guidelines may result in warnings or further action including loss of access or termination of all or part of your account.


Thank you for being part of our global community!



Help Center Email options


You have received this mandatory email service announcement in connection with your use of YouTube.

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